History Of The S.W.A.T Clan
The S.W.A.T Clan was first formed sometime in August 2010 by Bambook on the SANL Server. Bambook was a former SAES SWAT member who came to SANL and started a new SWAT there. He eventually went back to SAES and stayed there with the SWAT there. In September 2010 Hunter567T joined the SANL server. When he arrived SWAT had become in-active on SANL due to Bambook leaving the server. Tuna appointed Hunter567T to lead SWAT on SANL and bring it back to life. Hunter567T is a former Bikers vice-leader on SAES. He quit Bikers to lead the S.W.A.T Clan on SANL. Hunter567T is leading the S.W.A.T Clan successfully and he is still leading the S.W.A.T Clan today on SANL. The S.W.A.T Clan is alive and growing.
Copyright by Hunter567T ©2010